Eh, you spoke your mind.

As for the why I had to drive carefully, I've been propping my elbow on the window since I started driving. Add to it that while it is a good size car, I'm also a good size guy. Ending up in on comming traffic, out of your vehicle, NOT a good thing. *laughs* It was close enough to keep the buzzer from sounding constantly, but that was it, if I'd had a brain fart and leaned against it it probably would have opened.

I wouldn't call what I was doing slower than average, just a lot more aware of what my elbow was doing.

As to why I'd call it a bug out, if I had to get home without the vehicle but I could still use my main route, other than the stop for chicken this is exactly what I would do. So the plan was tested under semi-live conditions (no hazmat, I can walk past the airport without going through a crash scene, and it wasn't super cold) at a time not of my choosing. It if had been of my choosing, it would have been a drill. This wasn't, but it was a low risk execution.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.