> The only thing you EVER say afterwards is, "He said he was >going to kill me. I believed him.
>I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm very upset now. I can't say >anything more. Please speak with my attorney."

Leave out the first sentence unless that is what really happened. If they prove in court
he does't speak english/there was too much noise for you to hear him/witnesses heard him say something else/cctv show his lips never moved/an open mobile phone call caught the conversation etc

your very first statement is a proven lie.

And leave out the 'I'm very upset now' it undermines your reliability as a witness. "So you say you remember perfectly what happened; but by your own words you were emotional at the time?"

Your first words should be 'Call an ambulance!' then start administering first aid. And resist the temptation to talk about what just happened to anyone. When the police get there say "you have my full co-operation officer; but I'd like to speak to my attorney first".
Repeat ad-nauseum.
The Sock
The world is in haste and nears its end – Wulfstan II Archbishop of York 1014.