I was just home from the military. My decidely Yuppie community began finding the gruesome remains of cats 'ritually placed' along the greenway bordering the Golf course.A lady claimed to see 13 black robed satanists with candles walking along the ridge at night. A police pathologist examioned the remains and declared a 'person skilled in anatomical dissection with acccess to hospital tools did the gruesome deed.'
Men with handguns began pulling over teenagers and raiding the local lover's viewpoint, demanding to know who the satanists were at Westlake High School and forever traumatising many a teenager's future love life.
A newly graduated Ventura County deputy, of proud chicano stock attended a local Junior college class on 'the occult' and was declared that agency's 'expert' on the local covens.
Finally, F&G looked at the remains and the local officer ( pulled from a long investigation in the nearby forest tracking down a marijuana farm killing every pot chewing deer he could see) examined the foresnsic evidence, looked once and said 'yup, coyote' set some live traps and soon took out what is still a record sized,very fat male with several cat remains inside him.
Shortly thereafter, THE AKASHIC RECORD New Age bookstore and channeling parlour with coffeeshoppe opened and scientologists began knocking on my door late at night.
As my late horse friend, Mr Richard Widmark remarked " this used to be a nice quiet place to escape Los Angeles, and damned if Los Angeles hasn't shown up on my front porch.'

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (01/09/09 06:16 PM)