Have you considered how you will light your home when the generator is not running? presumably you wont run it 24/7 due to noise and fuel consumption.

Consider putting one lighting circuit on a UPS, use only low energy lamps on this circuit, and ensure that each room has one light on this circuit.
This has two advantages, firstly light is available instantly when the grid power fails, or the generator stops unexpectedly.
Secondly limited lighting is available when the generator is shut down to save fuel.

Candles and oil lamps should be kept in addition, but are less convienient than electric light.

Another option is a 12 volt lighting system to supply essiential lighting from a 12 volt battery bank, this being charged from line or generator power when available.

Keep a few chemical lightsticks on hand as well, these are the safest form of light for handling gasoline and other flammables in the dark.

And dont forget a high power halogen spotlight, useful for inspecting external storm damage, and looking for lost children or pets.