Thanks for completing the list, I couldn't remember the last few tools they mentioned. I don't even remember which magazine I read it in, it's not one I normally subscribe to but the cover page caught my eye enough to read that article.
There were a few items that I thought were somewhat unnecessary, but maybe it's probably because i'm thinking about it in a different context than the magazine. I think I've got a plumb bob somewhere, but I don't think I've ever used it in my life, and if I ever needed one, it's probably faster for me to just find a piece of string and weight than look for it. Maybe I just haven't worked on the project that required it. Also, I've never used a pocket socket wrench, but for a home toolbox I can't see why I'd want one over a regular adjustable wrench. For most people, a tape measure is a lot more useful than a 6" steel rule.
There are a lot of tools that could be on this list, I was just thinking about the most basic tools that people should keep around the house for even the simplest home emergency. My list could go on for 3-4 pages of recommended tools. Right now, probably my most often used tool is a 4 1/2" grinder (actually 2 of them, they like to be in pairs). They are indispensible for the type of stuff I like to do, but I can't imagine the average homeowner getting much use out of it. Same with chisels, I love mine, but I can't imagine people thikning, "I absolutely need a chisel right now!". I guess it would depend on the type of house you live in.
A toilet plunger, that should definitely be on the list. I would hope at least every home had one of those. I'd much rather grab the plunger than the auger to clear a plugged toilet. It might not work as well, but the snake is a last resort on a clogged toilet for obvious reasons