I have a slightly different (thicker) one called the Midnight MiniChamp version...built in red LED light and pen with a small phillips bottle opener tool, 2 small blades, the cutting hook thing, a useless ruler blade and a useless curved fingernail pusher---cocaine snorter/potassium permanganate dribbler tool maybe.
http://www.swiss-knife.com/asp/detail.asp?lan=EN&code=0.6386&shop=SKI like this small SAK very much even though it contains some farily useless tools. The tiny phillips is perfect for camera maintance etc. I never use the red LED and would much prefer the toothpick, but overall this tiny SAK really shines for many uses. The very small phillips is my most used tool, the sheepfoot blade is excellent as a letter opener, coupon cutter etc, and the scissors are small but good. The hook blade is supposed to be an orange peeler but is inadequate to that task but I have used it to pull a stuck press fitting out of my faucet...worked great.
I much prefer the Leatherman micra scissors for continued use, but the blades on this SAK are vastly superior to the Leatherman blade.
Here is my absolute favorite small SAK
http://www.swiss-knife.com/asp/detail.asp?lan=EN&code=0.6603&shop=SKReal orange peeler and thin. This one is always in my vest.