Welcome TJ!

Howabout you take it out in the woods for one week and tell us what you want o leave in or leave out? Seriously, the closest reference I have to this is a 1 week backpack for wandering in the woods near home (Pacific Northwest). This looks alot like that.

A few observations:
- put the Fox 40 whistle on your person, on a string of paracord around your neck works fine. You can't signal for help if the Fox 40 is separated from you if you're lost and hurt.
- do the 24x4.2 oz water rations work for you? You drink one, you have a packet left over; you drink 24, are you leavintg the packets behind, or policing your area as you go? Another collapsible Nalgene water container would hold at nearly or as much water to begin with, and be refillable. No mess, no fuss.
- I've never camped out near Alabama, if I camp out near here I need to be ready for cold and wet almost any time of the year. Anything I set up for an intentional week in the woods would include a sleeping bag, shelter (Tarptent Rainbow), water filter, cook stove and fuel, and more food than this. I believe my setup would weigh less than yours, but not by much. I love my comfort. This appears more in the Rough It mode, that's okay if you're okay with it.
- I'm getting lazier the older I get, to stay out of rain I bring an 9x10 foot nylon tarp on most outings and hang it over my living and cooking area, it keeps me dry and out of the sun. You might have the same with the poncho, but it could be fairly confining day in and day out in the rain. YMMV
- speaking of comfort, granola bars, rations and MREs as a treat 3 times a week. Live a little! Pack food you like, it may like you too.
- I would ditch the candles, but I'm used to dark, have flashlights when I need them, and have a fear of setting my tent on fire with open flame.
- are the gloves work gloves, or are they built for warmth?
- I don't see anything to write on with that Sharpie, maybe leave that out (are you labelling corpses and wounded? :-)