I'll take snow over flies anytime. Then again, deer flies don't much care for me, but I hate having them flying around me constantly.

I had a deer fly land on my hand last year in Florida. It took him almost two minutes to decide whether to bite me or not. I wanted to see what he would do, because I was doing a lot of vitamin B complex at the time and that notoriously makes me unpallatable to most insects. He finally chomped down, but I barely felt it. Then he flew over to a wall and landed. He made enough of a hole that I started to bleed, just barely. I went over to the wall and tried to shoo him off, and he wouldn't move. I finally swatted him. He didn't even try to escape. I dunno what it is about me and B complex, but I am always the last one to get bit at camp or at the ranch, if at all. Lucky me.

Working at the feed lots as a kid, I darn near would go insane from the flies buzzing around. I'd get in a closed room at the feed plant and grab a swatter and proceed to clear the room. Then I could finally kick back and take a nap.

I did get bit more often in Iraq, but not nearly as bad as most. I think I got bit half a dozen times there in the 9 months. Fortunately no sand fly bites.

I got bit by a horse fly once up in the Olympics mountains. Hurt like a wasp sting at first.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)