I appreciate the contribution guys but I don't want us to get stuck on these "large items". As I mentioned I think we are decently set for the larger items, and by all means keep contributing. Don't feel as if you have to also instruct me specifically, feel free to create a "master list" for someone who has nothing in the way of preparedness... this may be better for us to review / compare by not assuming we / anyone has anything smile

Things I thought about last night away from the PC that were not on my list are tooth paste and a manual tooth brush. We use an electric and only have 1 manual in our camp pack, the electrics could work in a pinch but a week of bad teeth care would be icky to say the least wink also I was thinking about our dog, and making sure he had enough food to last a bit.. we normally have enough on hand for a month for him but sometimes we let it run low. Sure he could eat people food for a bit but this would put strain on us.

Continue... wink

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