I started out several years ago in longer term preparedness after I saw that people couldn't care for themselves for even 72 hours after Katrina hit. When I put together my plans, I focused on the big 3, shelter, fire (heat and cooking), water and added food since this is a longer term situation.

We have a 5KW portable generator with about 50 gallons of gas stored that should hold us for about 10+ days if we use is properly. I also installed a proper disconnect panel so I can power 10 circuits in my home. Those include freezers and refrigerators, sump pumps, heating system, and lights in different locations in the house.

We also have installed a pond near our home that is stocked with fish, so protein and water are taken care of.

As far as heat is concerned, we have an outdoor wood burning furnace as well as 2 fireplaces in the house.

We keep a pantry that could keep us fed for probably around 2-3 weeks as well as long term storage foods for probably another several months if needed, our property is large enough that we could hunt to supplement that.

Since I know that no one can do it totally on their own, I have plans and agreements with several other individuals and families that would be helpful in a longer term situation, that have skills that I do not possess and everyone knows what to bring if they show up.

Finally, I keep sufficient tools (Yup, guns and ammo) to ensure that I get to keep what is mine for the duration.