Originally Posted By: KenK
Of course the first assumption made is that someone is even looking for you. That is the first major hurdle that would need to be addressed. Most of that lies in the trip planning, following the plan, having someone miss you at home and call for help, and/or use of a cell phone, radio, PLB, or SPOT to call for rescue.

Right on the money, someone has to know they need to be looking for you. I apply this to any trip I take, even my family vacation to Disney, I had my route figured out and it was emailed to 2 different family members they knew that on day 1 for example I was planning to be in this area and would notify them either via email or phone if they didn't hear from me they need to call for help, by them having my route it gives them an area to start to look, each night I would check in and all was fine.

You can't count on things like cell phones, they don't work in many area's. Where we backpack they don't work at all, so same as the family vacation someone back home knows what trail we are planning on going on, when we are going in and when they should expect to hear from us, if they don't by that time they need to start making phone calls.

This spot device looks like a good deal as it covers the entire US, but keep in mind anything with batteries could pose a problem if not kept charged.