Of course the first assumption made is that someone is even looking for you. That is the first major hurdle that would need to be addressed. Most of that lies in the trip planning, following the plan, having someone miss you at home and call for help, and/or use of a cell phone, radio, PLB, or SPOT to call for rescue.

I don't think I have anything in addition to the above to offer. I carry a PLB when out of cell phone range, and have always figured that I'd at least need to be able to sit out one or two nights of the current weather, and be able to signal rescuers when they get nearby. My signalling plan has involved making noise (whistle) and flashing light (signal mirror by day, and blinking flashlight by night). In general I don't really see a fire as a signalling device. Yeah, I know I could burn tires and such, but it would take long enough to get a tire going that I'd fear the searchers would pass me by. Still, it could be done.

I did purchase one of the small red laser Rescue Laser signal devices that Doug Ritter discusses in his gear reviews, but it is the size of a small flashlight, and I think the flashlight is more multipurpose. Not my EOS headlamp or Fenix light is as bright as the lazer, but they are plenty bright and would most likely attract attention if flashing toward a rescuer. The Rescue Laser is not carried on my person, but does deserve a place in my larger bag.