There are some bad apples out there as LEO's.
Most have a passion for their job, a few have a passion
for the power it gives them.

I have friends who have had extreme charges brought against
them just so the correct charges would stick or so they
would plea to the lesser charge. Ain't right and it happens.

That said, you are right, the attitude is the issue here.
I was trying to say earlier, make friends, don't start fights, if you truly are wanting to learn stuff.

Do ride alongs with the law agencies. Volunteer with
emergency services. Make aquaintences with a park ranger
or warden. Join a hunting or fishing club. Volunteer with
4-H. There are tons of ways to get involved and learn.

As a teen I got to undertake responsibilites all out of
proportion to my age when I hooked up with
a Explorer Scouts search and rescue post. Adults volunteers are always needed too.

Edited by clearwater (01/04/09 04:31 PM)