You can only get sentence multipliers on relevant charges...
There is no jaywalking with a deadly weapon to use your witty comeback as an example. Your nephew (or whatever, don't care) commited a crime. He got nailed for it. He's paying for it. I'm fine with that.
As far as a death sentence for stealing quarters? No. Punishment is disapportionate to the crime.
It it illegal to have your Ritter knife? No. Just to carry it in public.
You want to practice trap building? Fine. Build them. Then use a a stick or something and trip the trigger to see if it works. You don't need to actually trap an animal to see if the design works as planned.
In a true survival situation I would use traps, reguardless of their legality. If it comes down to my life or a fine, or jail time...I'll pay the fees or serve the sentence if justice is "blind" to the laws of competeing and necessary evils. Ilm ok with that. Because I'm not a corpse in the woods somewhere.
Check your attitude bro, its 95% of the reason why you are getting so much flak

-Bill Liptak