I love Loxs! Problem is, I broke my SAK tryng to break into one. It was probably hte excessive play. So I set out a line. I woke up to police 'DO NOT CROSS' tape surrounding the sidewalk and gutter with grim faced F&G officers taking photos and pouring plaster casts of footprints. Luckily, our illegal immigrant landscapers obliterated everything mowing the lawn before taking off, thinking immiigration was conducting a raid.They adiosed out of here and left a HUGE pile of leafs on my doorstep. I figured I would practise debri hut building until I found some guy was already sleeping inside it.
So I made us both a late brunch, figuring to expand my networking skills, and remembering my grandfather's advise "' Be nice to people going up the ladder, you may meet htem coming back down.'
About then I remembered I had 3 tins of Baltic anchovies in olive oil.I gave him one, opened a second and discvered a note inside ' Nice estonian girl, good manners and teeth seeks american husband" with her AIM and YAHOO IM enclosed.
It smelled fishy to me.