Originally Posted By: comms
I did a Google search for 'wisconsin folding knife laws', response time was 0.44 seconds. The first hit was a .pdf that says blades over 3 inches are illegal.

[quote]There is no such law in Wisconsin. Please post the link you found. If it is a link to an actual state statute I eat crow. There is no such law, instead nobody can carry any knife here without fear.[quote]

Here is the link. As I stated before you could have Googled Wisconsin-folding-knife-laws and clicked the first link a .pdf file.

Knife Laws

Your link isn't to Wisconsin state law which I specifically requested. You linked to a national compository of laws that shows that 4 counties in Wisconsin consider over 3" to be illegal. Any idea how many counties there are in Wisconsin? Wisconsin state law is intentionally vague so local DAs can invent law. This makes the knife carrying citizen a potential criminal anywhere in the state. Still, for those 4 counties that consider over 3" a violation of law, how do you feel about that? Is that reasonable?

Heck, my silly little Swiss Army Knife with the cheap, bent up steel probably exceeds that.

Don't be so hasty to shoot a crow and eat it. Its not the season. The crow is a protected species under the Migratory Bird Act. And according the the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources which I downloaded online by googling 'hunting crow in Wisconsin' (anticipating your incredulity I provided the link below) you can't take that crow until between Jan 25 and Mar 20.

Crow hunting laws in Wisc.

which would be another stupid law since crows abound here and are not in any danger of extinction. Crows are good for killing the nests of Robbins though, the state bird. Can't kill a crow raiding a Robbin's nest unless one has the required permits, even on one's own property.

Yeah, that makes sense.

A crow kills 4-6 Robbins before they hatch, but if a human kills an adult Robbin or disturbs their nest they are a criminal. Wow.

Yeah, law and order all the way. Makes total sense. After a lobotomy.