Originally Posted By: comms

Most of us are not using said utility tool to harm another person, their property or their income. Your example is not a victimless crime and therefore warrants whatever sentence multiplier your state allows.

So the death penalty for stealing quarters from a machine would be OK in your view?

Now, why are you getting a cold shoulder? You see every so often someone comes in using a non-desript (pardon the ironic pun) 'Username' and then right off the bat starts lines of questions similar to "How do I evade laws in my state?", "What kind of tools would you have in your Escape and Evade kit?" "Whats the best rifle and caliber for punching through a zombie brain?" "I am the master of my domain and that is wherever I am standing so I will ignore laws so I can do what I want." (that was the basic concept of someone who came here last summer looking to hike across the country.)

Neat, but that isn't me or what I posted.

I did a Google search for 'wisconsin folding knife laws', response time was 0.44 seconds. The first hit was a .pdf that says blades over 3 inches are illegal.

There is no such law in Wisconsin. Please post the link you found. If it is a link to an actual state statute I eat crow. There is no such law, instead nobody can carry any knife here without fear. In the case of my nephew his blade was 2 and 3/4th inches. Carry any knife, even a tiny swiss army chinese knock off for $5 at Wal-Mart and you can get a sentence multiplier for jay walking.

My Leatherman, SAK, and gerber folder (all things I rotate in my EDC) are well under 3". My RSK Mk1 is a about 3.3' so while that's technically an illegal carry in Wisc., based on my demeanor, cooperation, and respect I show the officer I doubt I would get much more than a warning.

And that belief would make you ignorant. Your RSK1 is illegal and I also own one. I am, according to your research, a criminal simply for wearing an RSK1 on my belt or in my pocket. That is the entire point of my post that so many of you rush to judge me on. Ritter sells me a product that can get me jail time according to your understanding of my state's laws. I can go to Wal-Mart in town and buy a knife with a much longer blade no questions asked. They are sentence multipliers, but I guess that is OK? Doesn't really bother anyone?

I did the same search on Wisconsin trapping laws and downloaded the entire 2008 trapping regulation pamphlet. Not being a trapper I would think that trapping is a method of hunting and therefore not the same as controlling pests in your garden.

Like many laws here they are intentionally vague. Having read the 2008 regs can you please tell me if using 550 paracord for a snare is legal or not? I read them and it appears they are not. It appears to me that the only legal gear is the overpriced contraptions that conform to an arbitrary standard that do not make any sense.

You will find this forum more along the lines of how to collect and purify water when the faucets don't work, how to start a fire, how to stay warm and dry, the pro/cons of GPS, Spot vs. PLB and links to current survival situations in the news. In this last topic, Mr. Ritter has been immeasurably helpful with his insight.


You will NOT find people on this forum who support weakening law on crime, supporting criminal behavior, advocating or teaching techniques akin to spying, breaching, evading capture, lock picking, or discussing The End Of The World As We Know It situations.

Again, doesn't apply to me. I am a former Marine and current fortune 50 IT guy. I get the idea of rules and structure. I don't think laws forbidding fires on personal property during the rainy season are conducive to folks trying to get some safe experience making survival fires though, do you? The laws governing me on my own property are much lighter than on public property such as parks. If I can't light a fire on my own property during the rainy season where can I learn to construct a proper fire and try out the various fire making tools?

Does nobody on this forum care about such things? Again, I strongly suspect I am on the wrong forum. I get that and only am posting until the inevitable ban when Chris (who refused my PM) wakes up. I just can't believe what I am seeing here.


I have now explained to you what I believe it is 'your doing wrong'. In both of your posts, your looking for affirmation of deviant behavior. You won't find that here.

I did not solicit affirmation of 'deviant' behavior. I simply posed the question to the membership asking how the laws they live under compromise their preparedness for emergencies and training. I can't comprehend why some seem to think I am soliciting affirmation of 'deviant' behavior. I am confident that if you read my initial post or any post in this thread there is no encouragement for anarchy or deviant behavior.

You folks sure are quick to judge.
