I think you should bite the bullet, and take the required course. In addition, there are a multitude of schools offering training in primitive skills, hunting, trapping and fishing, wilderness survival, wilderness first aid, and a myriad of other skills. There, you can learn, practice and develop your survival-related techniques without violating the law. You can also legally build and try out things like snares, traps, and fires, at least to the extent of testing that you constructed them correctly, in your own back yard, then dismantling them safely.

Please be aware that this is a survival forum, not a survivalist forum, and is intended for mariners, aviators, outdoor adventurers, and those interested in emergency/disaster preparedness. We strive to be rational, polite, family friendly, and law-abiding.

In all honesty, we really don't have much to offer anyone who has a problem with the law, other than to suggest that they learn to comply, move to where the laws are more to their liking, or seek to change the laws they don't like.

This forum is not intended for those who, because of dissatisfaction with civil society or government, live a survival/retreat/off-grid lifestyle full time, or want to; post-apocalypse/end-of-civilization/zombie horde preparers, or militia/anti-government political types. This is not the place to ask about improvised silencers or full-auto mods, for example. Not that I'm saying you, personally, are any of that, mind you.

I'm just offering my personal opinion as to why you may have felt a certain chill resulting from your survival vs. the law post. The title itself is off-putting to most regulars here. Unless faced with significant extenuating circumstances, such as a survival emergency, I'd bet this is one of the most law-abiding on-line communities you could find.

Keep in mind, also, that this forum is private property, and it's owners can do as they please here. We are all their guests, and can be shown the door at any time for any reason, no explanations required. As for the Ritter gear, you still have some first rate kit for your money, anyway.

Good luck and best wishes to you, Sir.


Edited by Jeff_McCann (01/03/09 06:29 AM)