I am going to say I feel really unwelcome here. On other survival/preparedness forums I do not feel that way. What have I done wrong?

I PMed Chris (the mod) and he declined to even respond to why my last post was locked.

I spent about $200 on stuff Mr. Ritter promotes and joined the forums, but can't understand why a simple topic that can be summarized as 'how do your laws affect survival preparedness affect you?' draws so much problems.

As a direct point there is this from 'JohnE' 'Yes there are laws that are unfriendly to those who break into laundromats using a Swiss Army knife. '

In this case the crime was breaking and entering as well as robbery. The actual charge was armed robbery simply because he carried a swiss army knife. I assume most of the readership carries a knife of some sort. How do you feel knowing that the utility tool you carry is effectively a sentence multiplier even if you threaten nobody with it?

Again, I am not trying to be in any way disruptive and do not understand why my post causes anyone any problems. I have PMed the moderator to inquire and the moderator refuses to communicate with me.

Never have I felt so unwelcome on a forum before.

Y'all have a nice life, I don't think I wish to try to be a part of this community.

I am sorry I sent $200 Mr. Ritter's way. Won't make that mistake again.