Originally Posted By: Grahund

TheSock mentioned maps. That's something I haven't considered. I have maps in the EK, but not in my pocket. I do tend to explore rather than always driving the same route from A to B, so I know my way around pretty well. Still, a map would be nice. Trouble is a map with any detail would be too big to EDC. That might be one of the things I buy when needed.

Also for those who have maps, keep them up to date. Earlier this afternoon, I had to go a business office and did the google map and paper map check. Both maps look the same so I printed the Google map as it has directions and off I go.

I get close, oh so close to where I need to be....but the roads have changed. I can see the building I need to get on the other side of a divided highway. Sizing up the traffic screaming by at maniacal speeds, there is no way I was going to park the car then make a mad run across that highway....no matter how good of shape I am in.

Pulled over then looked at the Google map I printed with directions on it and the paper map I always carry and double checked, yes once again they are the same, but the paper map is from 2007.

Long story short, I finally get to where I need to go after 10 minutes of no left turns allowed here, no right turns allowed here etc.

On the way home, I had to stop for gas anyway so I picked up a new map and....lo and behold, it shows the new changes and several others closer to home that I was not aware of.

Had this been in a more difficult situation, having outdated maps would of only added to the complications....