I live in a rural area (woods) really the only "Instant" disaster would be a tornado in my area and only in certain times of the year and not very often.
Not living in that area I'm not sure if 5% is worth thinking about, it sounds like you are pretty well set up, at home, during the commute at the office, etc. There are going to be times you just can't bring it with you. Other than always carrying a backpack, or waist pack with supplies in it but that's not really practical.
your feet are the most important things at this point, if having to dress up for work try to find a pair of dress shoes that will stand up to a good hike, I have a pair I love, Columbia, I can hike miles in them and yet put them on in a suit with no second looks, the only problem is they are brown and don't go with everything I wear, so I either adjust what I wear to always have these shoes or try to find a color match. My black pair of dress shoes hurt my feet after a walk through the airport. Not a situation I want to find myself in if I have to hike my way out of some place.