Originally Posted By: Susan
How much do veterinarians, chiropractors and bug scientists know about atmospheric warming?

Sorry, I have to go with Blast on this one. If I have the choice between scientists or politicians, I've got to go with the scientists.
I've actually heard a few stories from meteorologists and climatologists saying none of this is fact, people in that field saying it's bunk - and yet I'm supposed to believe a politician over them? Sorry, maybe I'm getting too cynical in my old age, but I've learned to not trust politicians as a whole.
Now, that being said, I consider myself to be a fairly 'green' person. I like camping and hiking. I volunteer for clean-ups at our local parks and canal paths. I try to recycle everything I can, wanting to keep as much waste out of landfills as possible. I walk wherever I can, rather than drive, unless it's too far or I have too much to carry. I want to leave the planet in better shape than when it was given to me.
I understand all that, but I also want everything we do as a people and as a country to be based on facts, not someones beliefs.
When I see one of those politicians, flying by himself in a large jet aircraft, cover his backside by buying "carbon credits" from a company that he co-founded and co-owns I have a problem. How is his pulling money from his right pocket and putting it back in his left pocket going to help anything? I don't see how this is anything but another excuse to remove money from your purse and put it in theirs.