Some of those numbers look way off. I punched in four people and we very rarely eat out and pack lunches everyday. Almost all other meals are made from scratch. We also keep very close inventory of what we use and have stored away,

For instance 4 people for one year: 8 gallons of veg oil
We are still working on the same gallon jug that is well over 1-1/2 years old.

160 lbs of white sugar
We use 1/4 of that per year. I opened a 10 lb bag of sugar about 2 months ago and checking it and weighing it now = 7 lbs. Most of this sugar is used for homemade bread, muffins and some cereal. Two of us do not use sugar at all in cereal, coffee or tea.

12 lbs brown sugar
Our last purchase of 2 lbs months ago is barely touched and is dried up and hard as an old piece of timber

12 lbs Corn syrup
??? We have never bought that much in 20 years.

12 lbs jam
We have used 4 small jars in a year. This would equal to 2-3 lbs.

Many other calculations are way off, specially the water. 56 gallons for 4 people for a year.....I don't think so.