Originally Posted By: BigDaddyTX

So people should die in foreign countries instead of eating GM crops specifically bred to grow in their countries/regions?

Genetically modified crops are not modified for better performance in a particular climate. They are modified for pesticides. Monsanto makes 'Round Up Ready' seeds which are seeds that grow into plants immune to Round Up. This allows the use of the plant killer on the crops without harming the crop. In other cases plants are modified to produce the pesticides internally so insect pests die if they eat them. I do not know where you got the idea GM crops are modified to grow better in specific climates.

GM is good. Don't want to eat it, don't eat it, you have that choice.

Unfortunately, we don't have the choice anymore for many crops. The problem is that the genes in GM crops cross with other crops and the resulting seed is GM. It is very difficult to keep non GM crops pure these days due to cross pollination. To add insult to injury Monsanto has sued small farmers who saved their seed after it was cross pollinated and then grew it. They sued because the small farmer didn't pay Monsanto for licensing the gene. This after Monsanto seed cross pollinated the farmer's crops which is not supposed to happen.

There is only one reason for GM crops and that is to make more money for Monsanto, it is not something that increases yields or has any other benefit despite Monsanto's claims. Many nations ban them outright because they understand once the genes get into the plant population via cross pollination there is no going back.