this is a post to pick the brains of the medical types don't need and i don't want you to give me information,just a link to a place where i can get some good info on what to do and what to have avalible to treat a kidney stone attack in a wilderness/survival situation.
i could Google this but i know i would have to plow thru pages to come up with anything..heres the story.i have a history of stones and this week i was at my local hospital
passing one again.luck was with me as i knew what was going on and the Vets Hospital where i retired from is only minutes away .but in the 25 minutes or so it took to get signed in and have the RN give me the once over and the Dr to show was the weekend the Vets is not 911
and does not have a full staff..i was in alot of pain.
things moved along fast after the Dr orders and i knew the RN's and was able to chat and joke a bit to take the edge off.i'll have a follow-up with my Dr in clinic next week and i'll run this past him of course struck me---what would i do on a wilderness canoe trip if this hit?..the Codeine tabs from my Dr would only mask the pain and in the past have not helped much.could i arf down a bunch of those and hop up and down to jar them loose?
i don't think so..hit the 911 on my spot only to pass the stone on my own--sorry guy's--false the VA i got a IV of fluid with some really impressive pain meds but of course am not going to be able to hang a bag from a tree and give myself a IV on some remote lake.
anyway the last few days have been a wake-up call on the subject of stones and the pain involved.any ideas about links or whatever??