Jakam - "People that want to sue will always sue and let the court decide right or wrong, win or lose, appropriate or inappropriate. I can't live my life worrying over or in fear of impending litigation......."

In an emergency you have to quickly but carefully consider the situation, how to act and how your actions might look to others. If you were sued and you had to explain your actions, methods and motivation to a jury could you do it? Would a jury of reasonable people see you actions as conservative, reasonable and well considered given the situation?

If you can't picture yourself being able to explain your actions, or inaction, to a jury of common people then it should give you a clue as to how reasonable your plan really is.

A sly and cunning lawyer may still try to paint you as a villain but worse case, assuming you considered it beforehand, you can still hold your head high, look the jury in the eyes, and honestly tell them that you were doing the best you could given the situation. IMO most juries will give the benefit of the doubt to a person who was reasonable, careful, conscientious and acting in good faith.

But you have to make sure what you do can be seen as reasonable, careful, conscientious.