Originally Posted By: Sherpadog
Originally Posted By: clearwater
Chains will stop you in 1/2 the distance of good snow


I think it is foolish to drive in
winter where snow is expected
without carrying tire chains for emergencies.

Just look at the other
thread where two guys died after getting stuck in


You are correct, chains will stop you faster. In winter driving conditions, you never, ever drive or follow too close to the vehicle in front of you. You need at least 5 times the normal distance and obviously much less speed. I and my fellow firefighters have spent many cold and miserable nights out on the highways and roads trying to save lives because people cannot (or refuse to) remember this.

As for the people who died as mentioned in the link you supplied, they made a number of simple but deadly mistakes that cost them their lives. Not having tire chains is not the cause of their death. They died by not being Equipped to Survive.....period.

Those two poor folks likely could driven out of those snow banks if they had been "Equipped" with tire chains on.

Shovel, cell phone, chains, tow strap, flashlight
warm clothes etc.

The fire department here runs chains on all
fours on every call in the winter on its ambulances.
The fire trucks have automatic chains that deploy
by themselves.

School buses run chains. The post office jeeps run chains.

If you want to be extra sure you get where you are going,
that's what you do.