Hey guys, I writing on behalf of five-year-old Hannah Garman. She's a little girl from Lititz, Pennsylvania.
This little girl lost her mother to breast cancer two years ago. Unfortunately, in October, she was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, a rare and incurable brain tumor. She was given about 12 weeks to live. She was going to be the flower girl in her cousins wedding in May, but was diagnosed a week after she was asked.
Right now she has lost most of her motor skills. She is confined to bed and cannot really do anything or play with the gifts she is getting from people, but she LOVES getting cards - she has gotten so many from people she does not know and just loves to have grandma read about the people who send them and see their pictures and is so proud of all her cards. Her room is just filled with cards.
When asked what she wants for Christmas, she said she wants to see how many Christmas cards she can get. Many people have passed this wish along to their churches, prayer groups, friends and family. There are school groups
where children are making her cards. People are including pictures so she can see who it is that is sending her the card.
If you would like to help with her wish, please send her a card at:
Hannah Garman
704 Orchard Rd
Lititz, PA 17543
Snopes says it's absolutely true. Let's see if we can have the cards coming in big postal bags for her this Christmas, since it will be her last holiday. Mine's already on the way. THANKS!
Hannah Garman