I got a large plastic box (15-20 gal size), with a lid, for my pet's BoB and 2 Pet Carriers.

I keep the following in the Pet's BoB:
20LBS-Kibbles and Bits
Medical records (their's)
Medications (their's)
1 tennis ball (the older dog's)
1 chew toy (the younger dog)
Doggie FAK (I found this @ my local Feed & Seed store)
2 food & 2 water bowls

I do have to add the following if their BoB is needed:
2 leashes (their's)
1 Stake Out Pin
2 Doggie Beds (their's)
More tennis balls (older dog)
More chew toys (younger dog)
Puppy Cow (younger dog, if he still eats it when BoB's needed)

I keep a big fluffy towel in each of the Pet Carriers

I need to add a package of bed chucks

Nighttime sleeping arrangements are that the younger dog puts my DD1 (severely handicapped) to bed & sleeps with her (it's his job); The older dog sleeps with me and my DW.

I am looking for some packs that would fit the dogs, although they are small (Boston Terrier mixed breeds), they can carry some of their own gear.
The best luck is what you make yourself!