Hi Dual Primed, welcome.
Running away can be very healthy for you!
Good exercise too.
Do you have any Tai-Chi classes near you?
They are basically free, and even if you think it is just exercise for old people Tai-Chi is actually a decent form of martial arts.
You do all the moves, you just do them as slow as possible to get the moves right.
All of the moves in Tai-Chi are striking, blocking and grappling or else they are about stance and balance.
Doing them slow also builds quite a bit of strength.
The slower you go the more physically hard it is.
Then after you have your moves practiced all you have to do is start speeding them up.
If you decide to start with Tai-Chi you will be learning what is the closest style to the old Shaolin Buddhist teachings about pushing hands.
If you ever get to see a Tai-Chi weapons competition you will understand.