I see now why I have incurred the ire of Doug and some others. I was puzzled and read back through my posts (see below)

When I said "I sure do which is why I wouldn't rely on it to start a fire in the bush or anywhere else. :)" it looks like I am refering to the Sparklite but I wasn't. I was responding to the previous post that somehow liked the internet and computers with the Sparklite and fire starting and the "it" refered to the laptop.

If you read on in my post I do say "I'm sure SparKlites are generally well made but not as reliable as a fire steel ...."

I am not saying that they are no good.

The point I was making is that the more manufacture that goes into a tool/machine the more chance of failure and the likelihood we will not be able to fix it so we should not rely on it solely but also on simple things that are less liable to damage and more likely to work.

In practice I carry a couple of lighters and a firesteel and knife and several tinders. I also carry in my head the knowledge to make fire in a couple of other ways.

As to being one handed it is something I am often concerned about as a solo walker in the jungle though my main concern is being one legged (Solution cut a staff before going in).

I practice bandaging the opposite arm/hand and I could use the firesteel single handed - tinder on bark base; firesteel into bundle;left knee on other side of firesteel; using tip of knife (emergency remember)scrape steel and spark onto tinder.

Not the same as the other method but it will do. Quite clever the other way.But I'd probably just use one of the lighters.

In fact I was quite impressed how well the company responded to the problem.

I practice and rely on both parts of this sites name - Equipped and Survive not just one.

Originally Posted By: BOD
Originally Posted By: ironraven
Originally Posted By: BOD
Too sophisticated a technology.

*looks around and whispers*
Uh, dude, you do realize you are saying that on the internet, probably using a computer that has more calculating power than all of pre-1980 world and more storage than the sum total of all printed texts in human history, assuming you optimize the file format.

I sure do which is why I wouldn't rely on it to start a fire in the bush or anywhere else. smile

And if I were in survival mode a pencil and notebook are more reliable than a laptop

There is no laptop or Blackberry in my BOB - only a cheap phone which uses little power.

I'm sure SparKlites are generally well made but not as reliable as a fire steel or a piece of flint or even bamboo.

Optimism isn't a plan