Savage Model 64FXP. Semi Auto, 10 shot detachable box mag with synthetic stock. With standard 22 type scope included, $165. MSR.
This is a good, basic shooter. Reminds me a lot of the old model 77s. With them throwing in a scope, the price is right for a new one.
I've got a 10/22, and a handful of 10 shot magazines. It is fun, I've put thousands of rounds through it, but over-hyped relative to all the other makes and models out there these days it seems like. They (the 10/22s) have their quirks, just like anything else. The Savage seems right now to be the best bang for the buck that I can find for new. Just my opinion.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)