I have a Ruger 77/17 All Weather. I'm in Pennsylvania and hunt ground hogs. The 17 grain Hornady V-Max bullet is better in my opinion than the 20 grain bullets because they literally explode on impact and do not richochet. To spare you the gory details the 17 grains produce MUCH more damage than the 20s. All bullet weights are very sensitive to wind drift and the maximum range for both weights are about 300 yards. As far as guns go any of them are accurate as heck. H&R makes or used to make a single shot break open rifle in this caliber and can be taken apart if needed. I'm not sure if anyone makes a lever action in this caliber. Ruger may make a semi-auto version. Not sure if anyone else does. Personally I love the caliber. Not very loud, extremely accurate, no kick, and good range. Hope this helps.