I read the instruction and I found some more weak points:
- the filter does not have a defined pressure difference, too much makes it hard to inhale, too little lets unfiltered gas through
- the nose is left open, depending on the resistance of the filter a certain percentage of gas is inhaled through the nose
- there is no inhale valve, that will cause CO2 and moisture to flow back to the inhalation tube due to the fluctuation of pressure during breathing
- the exhale valve is designed to work under water, the closing time may cause leaks on inhaling when used on dry land, I would not trust it to seal properly anyway
- when the mouthpiece is not sealed carefully with the lips it will allow unfiltered gas to leak in
- the mouthpiece will not allow to speak

Considering those weaknesses in addition to the lack of eye protection the mask may give a false sense of safety. The gas mask must be used properly all the time or else there will be a complete bypass for the unfiltered gas. A stress situation is bound to lead to erratic use as the mistakes are fairly easy to make. If there is a need to own a gas mask a proper specimen should be bought and proper maintenance should be done too.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.