This is a perfect shelter for E&E. Its a British issue item and has many uses. Going underground is the answer to many detection problems. The hole doesn't have to be as large as the tarp that is supplied. You could dig a hole just large enough to sit in, stake the top of the hole, sit down, lace up the stakes, and then pull the cover over the top(the cover will have been prepared with natural camo materials from your surroundings prior to this step making sure not to expose any of the tarp edges. If done correctly, it should be flat and even with the surrounding ground with grass or weeds standing up. The top layer of "Sod" should be saved intact and in one piece for the cover. Ever see the movie "Red Dawn" when they were at the gas station when the tank rolled in? They built simular holes. If you want some depth of soil over you to contain your heat signature or protect you from Gamma Ray bursts then you need to dig the hole deeper making sure the perimeter area above the hiding hole is bigger to allow you to lay the tarp down(an edge to hold down the stakes and tarp). You will also need to backfill an entrance from inside the hole since the top is solid dirt(up to 27" with the British kit). The dirt from the hole should be take a ways away from the hole(not drug on the ground) and made to look like an animal burrow perhaps. If there is a water supply near like a stream, river, or lake I suggest tossing it in. Here is a link.