One thing I'd love to see is AMK selling their bags as stand-alone items. I LOVE their bags.
They do sell the bags separately, just not on their site. I can't find site I ordered from a while back, but if you contact AMK directly they should tell you where to look. Some of them are available
here. I agree, their bags are great, but I'm not a fan of the way organise items or the very limited quantity of meds. I've found I can store at least 5x as many blister-packed meds in the same space as those packets, and they're more durable too.
I also like to have more dressing material than they provide in most kits. If someone gets hurt and it's not a life-threatening injury, I want enough supplies to change the dressing and promote healing for the duration of the trip, and not have to turn back or cut it short because there isn't enough gauze in the kit.