I've personally used an IV that was 2 years past prime, and nothing bad happened. Well, besides the hangover, but that was the reason I had it in the first place.
A (IV) line and a liter ( of saline) cures a multitude of ills. I had the opportunity in 1980 to assist in decommissioning a civil defense hospital ( WWII or korean war surplus, maybe)that was stored in the local post office cellar/fallout shelter. It was like unwrapping christmas presents. There was a portable x-ray machine and table, an ether-anesthesia machine, a whole bunch of morphine syringes, and assorted IV equipment, including 30 year old glass liter bottles of dextrose, saline, and ringers. The iv fluids looked fine, until inverted-then the particulates at the bottom of the bottle floated around-presumably rubber from the decay of the cork. Like fine wine, iv bottles should be stored horizontally to keep the cork moist. I wish I had been permitted to keep the anesthesia machine for my first aid kit-while most modern anesthetics are tough to make at home, di-ethyl ether can be produced with sulfuric acid and ethanol, as I recollect.