This may be off topic, but related. A couple of months ago, I opened a box of stuff always kept in my car (for a couple of years and not checked > no good, I know). It included a couple of Bic lighters with flint. They had the same problem: a white/grey powder on them and in the box. After testing it seems the flints were partially or totally disintegrated.

The strange thing: some were unaffected, others seemed partially disintegrated, others totally useless.

The lighters were placed there at the same moment. Why such a difference in condition? Some lighters have been used tot test them, others not.

Some questions to try and understand the differences:
- were the ones tested/used the ones that disintegrated? (by rubbing of the coating?
- Were they affected by moisture?
- are there other reasons?

There was a packet of 4 lighters that was still in the original unopened foil wrapper. They were all unaffected.

Does this mean the best thing to do is to put a never used lighter and/or sparklite in a kit to have the most chance of having an unaffected one?

I have no sparklite. I would love to, but can't find them locally in Belgium (Europe).
