I hate for this to be my first post here. I've lurked for a few years, and have picked up many many tips and pointers.

I had posted this over in the BladeForums Gadgets & Gear forum, and was advised to also post here, hopefully to determine if this is an isolated or common occurance.

I was packing a kit, and just happened to open my Sparklite OD case. There was a whitish-gray powder inside.

I removed the Sparklite sparker, and saw this:

The powder reminds me of an oxidized firestarter rod.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I checked a couple others I had, and they are fine.

Just trying to get an idea of frequency, hoping this is an isolated happening.

Any help would be appreciated.


Edited by thatmguy (12/08/08 06:10 PM)