Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
What disturbs me the most is...did no one stop and help this guy...are the people in these stampede situations that freakin' bargain crazed?

From what I read the other day, the four other employees trying to brace the door with him tried to help their fellow employee, but I don't think they could reach him, and at least a couple of them wound up injured by being trampled, too.

Just imagine what they went through (I think this is basically what happened based on what I read)--you and four of your fellow low-paid workers are bracing the front doors before opening for Black Friday. You had already been nervously eyeing the crowd for the past hour and noticing that they've been getting more anxious, banging on the glass, and yelling to be let in as opening hour approaches. Now the bodies are pushed up against the door.

The little metal bolt holding the door shut is straining to pop out so you guys have to push against the door to keep the lock from breaking. Suddenly, the weight of the crowd shatters the thick, tempered glass right in front of your face. Instinctively, the five of you let up the pressure on the doors and that's all it takes for the surging crowd to blow the doors open and literally breaking some of the hinges, flinging you to the side or to the ground. Unfortunately, one of you gets knocked to the ground directly in the path of the shoppers streaming in, whether they're eager to race to their favorite section or simply pushed forward by the weight of humanity behind them.

You scream for the shoppers to stop or watch out for your coworker, but it's no use. You try to shove your way over to him, but you get shoved out of the way again or even knocked down and stepped on yourself. It's unclear if he died from being trampled or maybe hit his head when he fell or maybe it was a combination of the two. Happy holidays, bargain hunters.