Originally Posted By: AROTC
My experience with cotton balls and flint and steel is, they suck at turning an ember into a flame. They'll light but they're much more miss then hit. What I found to be a far superior material is jute twine. The cheap brown stuff that doesn't make particularly good cordage. A short piece, unraveled and bunched up catches with barely any work at all. Don't know why cotton has such a hard time igniting. I suspect the fibers are too fine, but that's not even a hypothesis.

I like that idea of the length of jute in the wallet. I can put a lot more of that in my fire pouch than cotton balls.

I may play with jute and Vaseline (not in my wallet of course) just to see what the burn times look like.

May go ahead and invest in some of the wetfire tinder as well.

Getting a lot of good ideas from this thread. Cool!!
samhain autumnwood