Originally Posted By: KMAC179
That brought flashbacks to the front...I was there that night. (I live in NJ) with our USAR team. I agree with most of what he had to say. My 72 hour pack, unfortunately, is going to be food/water heavy, as I have hypoglycemia, and under most normal circumstances, I have to eat several small meals a day because my body doesnt produces too much insulin and doesnt process sugar right...in any case, that is a big priority of mine, and medical like i already said. aside from that, clothing is also a big one, lots of socks...and so on. tonight I may begin a basic list and post it on here of my gear, in no particular order or anything.

I understand hypoglycemia completely. Discovered it after I was in Army. Never knew what the problem was. Try upping your protein. Helps me.

Also cary the glucose paste / tablets as a back-up.
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.