5 maybe 6 days a week I work in a location far from home, far from help, and where legality of carry is my primaryissue. I have found my current load to work in all dress pants, jeans and shorts. Though I opt for the FBI 511 combat pants which I am currently transissionaing all of my clothing to.

In one pocket is my wallet which contains Tool-Logic, IDs, Credit Cards, Money, Insurance cards, my custom made survival cards too lengthy to describe, spare keys, and four quarters.

Another pocket keeps the standard red and white hankerchiefs. The Leatherman Mini-Tool fits in all pockets including the Watch pocket.

A Dr Scholl's FAK fits just about anywhere.

And my keychain hangs half in and half out of a pocket. It contains a Fox 40, mag fire starter cut down and double wrapped in ranger bands, small wrist compass, photon two, and a nylon case containing CPR mask, CPR instructions, and two aspirin.

When I get more money I will add a cell phone as the HAM radio's atenna gets too many looks.

I would suggest a Planner or similar case for carrying around other survival gear too bulky for EDC. I carry a small backpack containing my primary 4.75 day pack versus 3 day. By my calculation the water in the pack will last 4.75 days with little exertion. As it looks rather civilized I get very few looks.

As to wearing a key fob I have found small tins to more suitable. My small FAK contains all Meds I would need for three days, two Turkey sized oven bags, 25 repackaged PA, and about two feet of Duct Tape.