Originally Posted By: Troglodyte007

The PSK (Personal Survival Kit) is, in theory, an anytime, anyplace I happen to find myself in a difficult situation kit. This can of course be a situation ranging from annoying to life-threatening. But because by definition it must be able to be carried at all times, it must be kept small and light-weight, and yet as all-inclusive as possible. So only the real essentials should be included. It should have a true first aid element, and be able to provide warmth, signaling, and water. It is usually assumed that a person will be rescued within 72-hours provided that someone else knows of the person’s general whereabouts and knows to make the appropriate phone call within a certain amount of time, and the person stays put and awaits rescue. So food, if included, is probably thought of as a luxury item for many, but because survival is mostly psychological, it never hurts to have some reassuring "now stay put restless wanderer" nourishment while waiting it out. Or something to that effect, I include a power bar. Everybody should have a PSK. My PSK is self-contained in several pouches and containers by way of a sturdy belt. The fact is, I do not always carry it. I wouldn’t look very cool around town if I did. In fact, I’d probably look like a paranoid goomfer.

I will have to respectfully disagree with some of your PSK post.

Your definition starts out fine, IMO. Mine is somewhat more limiting, however. My definition of a PSK is that it is characterized by a single container that, ideally, is sized to be carried in a pocket (which could vary from a shirt pocket to, perhaps, a pant cargo pocket), so this allows some wide variety of sizes, or at worst in a small pouch on a belt.

The key is that it should be small enough and light enough to not be a hindrance for almost anyone to carry. Ideally it should be so small and light, nobody has a reason not to carry it. If it isn't with you, it cannot save you (tm), and from my POV, anything larger, and thereby too fully equipped, defeats this key concept.

First aid items are NOT a necessity IMO, and rarely is their likely to be enough room to fit enough in to be particularly useful, beyond an adhesive bandage or two and a few anlagesics. Moreover, since it seems they are called upon to be used more often than the items in a PSK, in my experience, it makes sense to keep those items separate so they are easier to access. For me, a PFAK (Personal First Aid Kit) is an entirely separate item, which itself needs to fit the size constraints of a PSK, and is often even smaller. Bear in mind that given the limitations of a PFAK, due to size, a roll of duct tape in a PSK, along with other elements and normal personal wear, can be improvised to provide virtually all the truly necessary and useful short term medical care a PFAK might provide, except for the analgesics.

Food and water are never part of a PSK, IMO, though water treatment and a water container may be. Shelter is another separate and complementary item, from my POV.

A PSK, IMO, provides just the bare necessities and supplements and compliments a knife and other EDC and survival gear. Again, just my POV and YMMV...
Doug Ritter
Equipped To Survive®
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation