I'm always amazed at the the emphasis people put having every possible means to make a fire. Figure out a unique way of making fire and somebody will buy it from you. It needn't be practical or reliable.

Even the hard-core experts use a lighter because it is simple and effective.

I figure that everyone interested in such things should have the experience of making and using a fire bow. Do it enough times over a week to get a feel for it. Then odds are you will never need to do it again.

Learn to use a flint and steel. Get good at it. Then odds are you never need to do it again.

The fact is that 99% of the time your lighter will work. When it doesn't you reach for your backup lighter. Which will work 99% of the time. Back those up with a spark rod or Blastmatch. Odds are you will never need it. Seal a half dozen matches between two pieces of foil tape as a fourth layer of redundancy.

If you find yourself with nothing but the matches, may it's blessed noodly appendages forbid it, then you use one and pack the fire in a fire carrier. Easier to keep what you have than make more.

All else fails you might be glad you learned how to work a fire bow. But it is almost never used. (Except to impress the kids during camp outs or to win bets.) Your more likely to be hit by lightening three times in one day.