Agree on the Tramontina brand. I have two for a while now. I think I payed $10 for both. May of two years ago, I helped out at the local cemetery, cleaning up about an acre of overgrown land. The vegetation was mostly scrub, including some young trees up to about three inches in diameter. Two guys used chain saws to drop them, while two others would drag them out of the way and use hand saws to cut them up and burn them. They thought I was nuts for using a machete, but after a few hours they were impressed by what I got done.
The only excitement was when the president of the cemetery decided to 'borrow' a gas can from one of the guys using a chain saw, in order to burn a huge sticker bush. He sprayed the bush with the gas, lit it, and it fizzled. So what does he do?
Oh, yes, he did!! He threw some more gas on it. Evidently it was still burning because it flashed up, the flame following the stream of gas from the can right to him. He fell over backwards, while burning, then gets up and starts running! Luckily, the one guy near him realizes whats going on and tackles him, pulls off his shirt and uses it to pat the flames out. Again luckily, just next to the cemetery is a hospital.
So, once we get everything cleaned up, the rest of us go down to the hospital to check on him. He's covered in wet towels and his face, neck, and upper arms are bright red. He's pissed off at himself for doing something so dumb and worried about calling his wife. The nurse was asking him about the cemetery, saying she didn't even know it was there. He says "it's right up the road, you can walk here." Then I say "Or run here, if you happen to be on fire," and then he yelled at me for making him laugh.
At first, he looked like he had a bad sunburn, but a few days later, when that skin died and turned black, he looked terrible.