Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
I wonder if our society today has anything to do with that. When I was in grammar school, schoolyard fights were pretty common. Nowdays one will get you suspended. We had boxing and wrestling in high school PE, many don't anymore. Many many people, of both sexes, have never been in a physical confrontation of any kind, and therefore have no idea what to do, where to start, how to take a punch and ignore it (unless of course it is a real good punch), etc.

I am pretty sure that might have contributed in some way or another.

lessons I take from this incident.

1) Buy a big fire extinguisher

2) Buy a nice big machete. basically equip myself to stack the odds in my favor

3) Getting more acquainted with the idea of actually fighting. I hear the 'give in' mantra all the time. Time for visualization (and physical of course) exercises

I honestly think other human beings present the largest threat by far (in my situation at least). *shifts focus away from gadgets and gear*