I am a program control manager for a large Project management/consulting organization. I was working on the Seminole County Capital Improvement Program while in Florida, now I am on a big city of Denver program. Prior to Florida, I was in Brisbane Australia, and before that I was in Manhattan, and before that I was in Baghdad, doing pretty much the same sort of work. Before Baghdad I was working in my other career, which is as a Telecoms specialist. Weird huh?

My previous stay in Colorado was a brief one. It was in between Baghdad and New York, wrapping up my Baghdad work before changing employers. But I love it here, and so does the wife, and so when I moved her down (before I realized I would be going to New York), she stayed here while I travelled, except for a few months last winter when she was with me in Florida for a spell.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)