You know, you're right, to some degree, but in an existential sense only. The fact is, I have often bragged about what I would do if faced with such and such, only to realize later that I wasn't able to, just like everybody else has at one time or another; and I will again, because I am human, and so will everybody else, including you, like it or not. That is probably enough said, but I like ripping it to shreds, so...
But then again... a knife. Now, please let it be known that I don't know with 100%, absolute, all-knowing, third-eye including, crystal ball certainty, but unless he had that knife to someone's throat or other vital, I can't think of any reason not to attack him.
Maybe you can give me another situational example that might change my mind, as you are very right that it is wrong for a person to not think things through before feeling superior to another individual. Maybe I didn't think it through long enough. Maybe the boyfriend is a weak little cripple who couldn't help but jump even if all he faced was a toothpick, in which case he deserves our empathy, but also, in which case the girlfriend, if she had survived the jump, might seek psychological help in understanding why she didn't choose a boyfriend who could protect her against a very real scumbag possibility such as, let's say...a rapist with a knife. If you aren't willing to fight and even die for your girlfriend, then you aren't willing to fight for your children either, and you shouldn't even have a girlfriend.
Maybe he did fight, but decided in the end to jump out of a three story window instead of continuing the fight to victory. I don't know exactly what happened, but I do have an idea, even if you don't think so. The important point is that my words here aren't any kind of judgement. It's just my opinion, even if based on what must be a partially hypothetical situation because it is a given that I don't have all the facts. Neither does anybody else. But that doesn't mean that we must feel inhibited concerning sharing our opinions on a public forum. We have safegaurds called administrators who can quickly deal with any inappropriate entries; so not to worry.
I don't blame the victims, even though you said I did, I just think I would have chosen differently than they did.
Also, "terrible" is the wrong word. Things like rape are terrible, and equally so, to allow rape to happen without giving a fight. JMO, regardless!
The real question here, for me, now, is why is it that every now and then I'll get some total stranger who tries to tell me that I'm not his or her hero anymore. Because my opinion differs? If my response has let you down in some way, or does not reflect your understanding of things, then develop some self-esteem already.
Have a nice day.
Edited by Troglodyte007 (11/07/08 07:41 PM)