the boyfriend might not have been raped himself per se, but being forced to watch someone you know go through that for an hour would be torture in its own rite.

Eric, I don't care for his psychology.
The girl in this story has to start looking for a real MAN to love. This boy was a wrong choice.

If my wife or SO was going to be raped, and even if the bad guys were more than one, they are going to see the reality of the golden rule ( over my DEAD body). Giving in for a $100 is understandable, OTOH, my SO is NOT negotiable. Period.

Dandruff asking about fire extinguishder type. Well, dry chemical is best for fire and for bad guys. But if all you got was a CO2 (carbon dioxide) type, use it anyway.

And since those girls were students, dont understimate a blow on the head using one of them reference books. Some of those weigh a few pounds, but be careful WHEN you do it. He may be very vulnerable when he is "doing" the crime, but with a knife in his hand close to the victim, both persons maybe harmed.

I guesss best time is when he is pulling down his pants. I amnot joking here, he will need both hands for the task and holding knife.

Mace maybe illegal but perfume is not.
Spray it in his eyes and see what happens

How about window cleaners or any other spray cleaner.
Just aim to the eyes and then good luck with the law.